Someday is now.

Someday. I keep telling myself someday.

Someday I'll start my own production company.
Someday I'll sell my stories and see them out in the world.
Someday I'll make movies and TV shows my own way.
Someday I'll be financially stable on my own.
Someday it will all work out and my dreams will come true.

The problem with someday is that it allows us to put off what we won't to another day and wait for something to come along. I'm done waiting, I'm done relying on other people, I'm done wanting to make everything happen without pushing towards it. I'm just done saying someday.

In the last week or so I have officially started my own company (as small as it may be).
I have started the process to sell me stories and ideas.
I am making my movies and TV shows my own way.
I'm not financially stable but come on I'm a starving artist.
I'm making it all work out and seeing my dreams come true.

Why should we have to wait for permission to achieve our goals and go for our dreams?
Why should I wait for the perfect opportunity to come along when I can create my own?
Why should I follow everyone else's path when I can create my own?

I've never been a follower, and I never will be. If I never succeed past making small things for little money at least I will be doing what I love.

The path I have chosen is not an easy one and this will not be without its hard times and pain but after having been here for almost a year and a half I'm confident enough in myself to make it happen.

I'm putting myself out there in the world like I have always dreamed I would someday. How else to legends get made?

In the last couple weeks I have had several moments where I've thought, this can't really be happening. These are not bad moments but moments where slowly but surely my dreams that I have had for soooo long are coming together. It's an odd feeling when you decide to finally go after what you've dreamed of and slowly see it come to life in front of you.

I'm doing things I never thought possible with an amazing support system in a way that I couldn't have ever imagined and each little problem or step I take is a miracle. I just had one of those take your breathe away moments because I just sent this little dream rolling down the hill with no way to stop it. It's no longer just talk, it's real, it's going to happen and I am scared shitless.


I'm finally going to make my first movie. AHHHHH!!!!! That is all I care to share at this current moment. All you need to know is I am happy, overjoyed, stressed, scared, nervous, overwhelmed and so many other things all at the same time. I will be sharing more details as they come along but AHHHH it's actually going to happen!!!

About this blog

I'm a crazy 24 year old girl who just moved to Wilmington, NC to follow my dream of being a writer/producer/director. These are my adventures along the way in this new town with my new friends.

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